Sack Daddy Bean Bag Chairs Are Perfect For Every Room

Whether enormous or petite, our Sack Daddy bean bag chairs are great for pretty much any room of the house. The living room seems the most obvious, and why not? We all like a good comfy place to sit while watching TV or play X-Box One. But why not turn that bean bag chair to face the other chairs and have a nice family conversation? Our furniture grade foam chairs come in three fabrics and over a dozen colors, so it’s easy to find one that matches your current décor! 

The office is another simple idea. This is your think tank, your idea-generator. A Sack Daddy is a good place to rest yourself while you dream up the next great invention, the next great American  novel, or simply figure out how to do your taxes. There’s nothing wrong with a touch of creativity and comfort  in your office, and Sack Daddy offers both of those.

Sack Daddy bean bag chairsThe same goes for the man-cave. Sack chairs aren’t considered “proper furniture” in your house? (Sure they are!) Then you need a nice escape. Go into your den and plop down on the 6-foot bean bag chair, which can hold most any adult, even great big athletes! 

Kids’ rooms are another fun way to use the bean bag chair. A great big bean bag chair (even as big as 8 feet) is perfect for your rough-and-tumble kids to roll around, jump on, run into, whatever, without hurting themselves on hard or sharp edges. And don’t worry, the big bean bag  chairs can take a hit!

And the 3-foot bean bag chairs are great for your little ones who actually like to sit down and do a little reading, or just play Nintendo Wii in peace.  Even the bedroom can be a place for Sack Daddy. Not that you’d necessarily sleep in them  (although in the 7.5-foot lounger, you certainly could!), but how about a nice seat by the lamp or window so you can read a good book? Or sit down with a baby? 

Hey, if you want something super-portable to carry into any room, maybe give the Sack Ottoman a try. Small and light, you can throw it down in the laundry room while you wait for the spin cycle, use it anywhere in your dorm, gain the upper hand in a pillow fight, or just add it to any chair you already have as a wonderful footrest.

We’re flexible here at Sack Daddy. We created products that go beyond “novelty” and can make a real place in your home. Try us out.

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