Storm Safety Tips From Sack Daddy

Sack Daddy wants to provide you with the ultimate form of comfort with our giant bean bag chairs. Crash in front of the TV with one of our great big sacks (up to 8 whopping feet!) filled with specialized shredded furniture foam, which molds around you instead of running away from you like old-school styrofoam beans. So make yourself a groove and flip on the sports,the comedies, the news, whatever, and enjoy. However, this is the time of year when the TV gets interrupted by that panic-inducing triple buzz and that little ribbon that says a nasty storm is in the area. Sack Daddy wants you to be comfortable, but we also want you to be safe during tornado season. Twisters are nasty, so here are a few very basic tips for bad
1. Have a plan. The last thing you want to do is panic in these situations. Have a plan and let everyone in the house know what that plan is. Where to go, what to grab, what to do, etc. If you have little ones, you may want to practice it. If everyone knows what to do, it gets done faster.
2. Get someplace safe. If you have a basement, use it. Otherwise, get into an interior room with no windows. Bathrooms are great for this.
3. Bring supplies. A radio is the most important thing so that you can hear the weather alerts and know if the tornado is near. Flashlights are also handy since storms like to knock out the power. Bright extra batteries for both. Take some first-aid supplies like bandages, and be sure to include all necessary medications. Aside from the essentials, you might want to bring a book or something since you could be there a while.
4. Get cover. If the worst starts happening, you'll want to put something between you and debris. One of the safest ways is to get everyone in a tub and hold a mattress or something like it over your heads. This is going to sound very strange, but it's true: a Sack Daddy foam chair actually helps in this situation. The foam doesn't just move around like old beans do; it can be molded a bit, and ALL sacks are 3 feet thick except the giant pillow, so they can take a hit. And most sacks are big enough to fit 2-5 people. Put the sack, the mattress, or whatever you have, over your head to protect it. Homes are replaceable, and we really don't mind if you tear our furniture up as long as you're safe.
5. Keep a weather eye. Your best tool is awareness. Keep an eye on the sky and the weather station warnings, and an ear out for sirens. If you're stuck in the basement, a battery-powered radio is ideal, but sometimes the TV still works. Call relatives if you must from your cell phone. Spring brings back the beauty of nature, but it also brings its wrath. So maybe our foam-filled sacks keep you comfortable while you watch the Weather Channel, maybe they protect your head from debris, but whatever you do and whatever you have, make sure you stay safe.