Inexpensive Date Night Tips From Sack Daddy Bean Bag Chairs
1. Cook together. Can't afford to go out? Try shopping in your own pantry. A few scanty ingredients can make some good meals, and pasta goes a long way. Why don't the two of you cook together? Food is far more enjoyable when you put your hard work into it, and it's an experience you can share and enjoy.
2. Make a game of eating out for less. Determined to go out, but don't have a lot to spare? Get creative with the menu. Think about what will fill you up without breaking the bank. Some restaurants give massive portions, so share a meal. And water is always free.
3. Talk. The point of a date is to spend some good time together, right? Don’t always let yourselves be distracted; engage in the other person. Ask him/her what they think, listen to their stories. Snuggle up in a big bean bag chair and have a legitimate conversation. It’s one of the best things you can do for your relationship.
4. Rent a movie. An oldie, but a goodie. Find a flick that you both like, whether it’s a romantic comedy, a Michael Bay explosion-fest, an impenetrable mystery, or a documentary, find a film you’ll both enjoy. Pick out one of our 6-foot foam loungers and enjoy the show!
5. Do something athletic. If you’re sports or workout junkies, or if you both want to lose some winter weight, why not have some of that time together? It’s getting warmer now, so go for a jog. Train for a marathon if you’re up for a challenge. Play a little one-on-one basketball, or whatever kicks your endorphins into high gear. It’s a healthy alternative, and you’ll enjoy spending energy together. Just don’t get too competitive!
6. Dessert Date. Sometimes, you don’t need a whole meal to get out together. Consider a cupcake bar, or getting a couple pieces of super-fancy chocolate, or simply get some sno-cones as the weather warms up. Simple, sweet, delicious.
7. Dance. You don’t need go to a club to have a little fun. Crank up the iPod, stereo, laptop speakers, whatever plays your tunes. Download a few slow songs and just sway together, losing yourself in each-other’s eyes. Or, play some hip-hop, country, polka, whatever, and go nuts. If you can’t dance, then you can at least enjoy doing it terribly!
If you’re going to collapse after a workout or snuggle all night long, Sack Daddy bean bag furniture is there to help your night. Our awesome foam sacks are delightfully comfortable while being inexpensive. The 6-foot sack is only $200 and comes with a one-year warranty. It can even be used as a bed if you two just want to take a nap after a hard day.
Stay cozy, you two.